Thursday 30 August 2012

Visit Home and our WEDDING DAY :)

July 9th was when I flew home. I was worked up because I had a lot on my mind and I hate flying long distances by myself and this was a very long distance flight. The flight path was different than the one we took when we got here. The flight path that I took was going to JFK, meaning I was flying from here to Germany, Germany to JFK and JFK to Dulles.

The flight was great because I was flying Singapore Air, Business class. The food was wonderful and the ride was smooth. When we landed in Germany I had to get off the plane (even though I was getting back on the same plane in an hourish, oh well) and go though security then I had to wait for an hour and then fly seven hours to New York. After some more food and sleep I was finally on US soil. I got off the plane and walked very fast to the customs counter because I didn't want to wait very long in line (I get have the best waiting skills). The thing I found funny was that when we were getting ready to get off the plane, they announced that no one was allowed on their cellphones until after they got out of customs. I have never heard of that. So once I got out I went to the baggage clam to get my bag. I tried to use my phone but they had a jammer and I wasn't able to call out until I was literally out of the customs area.

I rechecked my bag and then headed to the connecting flight gate. I made my phone calls and then decided to get a beer. When the guy rang me up for a 9 dollar pint I was excited! Finally, cheap beer. Now I realize that isn't cheap to all of my friends back home in the US, but it's a lot more expensive in Singapore. When the guy saw my excitement I explained that I hadn't had a blue moon in ten months and that it was cheap compared to what I was use to paying. 

My next stop was the gift/snack shop. I got some snacks but I also got GUM! I was so excited that I started ripping the package open before I paid for it and started to chew it. People thought I was crazy, especially the woman ringing me up. I then had to explain that I was living in a country where gum chewing is ILLEGAL, which isn't the greatest for me because I am an avid gum chewer.

My flight got pushed back and honestly I was starting to go crazy because all I wanted to do was just go home. Thankfully my flight from NY to DC was only forty five minutes. Once I landed I made my way to baggage clam and picked it up and then texted Jason because he was the one picking me up. Once I got outside and saw his car I got really excited, I literally was crying because I was home! I couldn't wait to get home and see my dog and just see everyone.

Once I got home I ran inside to see my Bandit boy. He sniffed and then went crazy with being in my face and giving me kisses. When Joe walked in I gave him the biggest hug and apparently Bandit wasn't done welcoming me home because he jumped up and wouldn't get down till I stopped hugging Joe.

I will tell you this, I didn't stop running from the day I got home till about the day after our wedding. I had no time for jet lag because I was facing a lot of stuff to deal with. My car was in the shop due to being in an accident four months before. I went to make coffee and realized that there was mouse turds EVERYWHERE in the lower cabinets of our kitchen and under our stove. Now mind you, Joe and Krystal (the people who live at our house) cleaned before I came home so this happened with in a couple of days and it looked like it was there for awhile. It was not only there, but in the storage area under the stairs and then also in the storage area in the bathroom rough in. there was also tons under our bed and in our closet.

 We had to toss out so much stuff, I am assuming it was around 1500 dollars. I tossed half my shoes and Dustin tossed all of his. Most Halloween decorations got destroyed and other things like bags and other things. Mind you when I found all of this out, we had about two weeks till we had people in our house for the rehearsal dinner. I am so thankful for our neighbors and for Joe and Krystal because they helped out with A LOT. They helped me clean up and wipe down everything that was salvageable from the mouse damage.

I also had my best friends wedding to attend (Mouse it was a beautiful wedding) four days after I landed, Jet lagged and tired of mouse turds I made it and had such a great time. I had to tie up last minute things for the wedding, have my parties and make sure things were good to go. Weeks went by, Dustin came home and we met our new neighbors, whom we are so thankful they all moved in because now we have more friends who are just a walk away. My parties were amazing and my bridesmaids were too. They had to put up with a lot from me, thanks girls for being so wonderful. I also want to thank my friends who helped me put last minute holes in mason jars for the centerpieces and helping put rocks and candles in the jars as well. Without your help, it wouldn't have gotten done as nicely.

The rehearsal dinner was amazing and I was so excited for the wedding. The night before I stayed at the ski lodge with my best friend and was so happy to have her there, Em, thanks for staying with me! The next day I woke up early and ate a big breakfast. I was told if I didn't eat I would pass out so I ate. Plus if you know me, you know that when I don't eat and am starving, I get cranky and I start to lash out at people around me. My great friend Brenna was so wonderful, she was the one who did my hair, Emily's hair and my sisters hair. (thanks again darling, your work is amazing) I was also blessed to have my RI girls come and sit with me while I was getting my hair done. It was so awesome that you girls came to visit with me and stay with me and feeding me around lunch time :) 

2:30 was when the pictures were starting. Dustin and I decided to see each other before the wedding because we didn't want to waste time after the ceremony with a bunch of pictures that would cut into our dance time later. It was so hot but we made it though the pictures and headed to the venue. My brother in law was presiding over the wedding and he did such a wonderful job. Once we got upstairs and it was just me and my dad I was getting nervous and more excited. Dad walked me down the stairs and we headed to the aisle. As I was walking I couldn't look anywhere but at Dustin (so I wouldn't cry). The Ceremony was short and sweet and we were married. After pictures it was party time. We were downstairs waiting to be introduced while cocktail hour was going on. We waited about fifteen minutes (it seemed a lot longer than that) and then the party began. Yes I may sound weird calling it a party, but it was just that, just the way we wanted it. After the wedding we changed and went down to the bar with friends and closed it down and did not get to bed that night until 430ish. It was an amazing day

We ate, we danced and we had a lot of fun. We are hoping that everyone else did too. I also want to thank our neighbors who watched bandit for that night, it means a lot and we are forever thankful.

The next day we went home and unloaded our car and relaxed. The next week we were planning on hanging out with our friends. During this time we did just that, minus two days because we were looking at old Karmen Geiahs because Dustin was really wanting one and we did need another car for when we got home that is a car that Dustin could use to drive back and fourth to work every once in awhile.

The week flew by (unfortunately) and we were off to Denver for a couple of days and then back to Singapore. While in Denver I got to see two friends from high school who I haven't seen in about 10 years. Chrissy and Jacob :) It was so good to see you two. I also got to see my old friend PJ whom I haven't seen in awhile. I was also able to see my aunt Cindy (mom's sister) and Uncle Willy. I haven't seen my Aunt in about 10 years and I haven't seen my Uncle in about 20 so this visit was long overdue. They haven't changed much. Well my aunt has but that is because she has been in and out of the hospital for awhile now. She is okay for now, and I am so happy I got to see her. I am upset that I couldn't stay with them longer but hopefully I can see them again soon.

Now we are back in Singapore and are getting back in the swing of things. Jet Lag took a bit to get over but we are good. We are not doing any more traveling but we are going to Formula One weekend in September. October is going to be bittersweet because we will be going home for good but we are also leaving behind our wonderful family here.

Thanks for reading. The next blog will most likely be about our Formula one experience!

Last round of visitors

First of all I want to apologize about being so behind in blogging! I have been busy lately.

So After the boys left we had about a weekish break and then my girlfriends/former coworkers came for a visit. Jen M, Jen F, and Jen F's daughter Katie. Their plan was to basically make our apartment a home base while they did some other traveling.

They arrived very late (about 2 am) and the next day I took them around the city to do touristy things. I also introduced them to Harry's and our friends. They didn't stay long, about a day total. They went off to Malaysia and then to Bangkok, then back to here. After they got back from two countries we repacked and got ready to go to Bali. They invited me to come with them to the other countries but it just wasn't in the budget considering we had a wedding coming up. But I did go to Bali with them, girls four day weekend away.

Ironically the place we were staying in Bali was the same place where Dustin and I stayed the first time we went there. So me being comfortable in the place we were staying I took them around and showed them some good places to eat and such. They had planned on doing excursions and signed me up for them as well but honestly, I had been on them and all I wanted to do was relax and not be gone all day.  All I wanted to do was lounge on the beach. The villa was a two bedroom villa that was beautiful, it too had it's own pool.

We also took advantage of the spa at the villa and we were pampered for two days, had two massages and a pedicure. (It was my bridal shower gift from them) We ate great food, relaxed and shopped. The girls bought a lot but then again so did I because I knew I would never be back there. I was so thankful to take one last trip but sad that Dustin couldn't come with us because of work and then it was also a girls weekend so no boys allowed. As soon as we got back we went had a relaxing night and then they were off back to the US.

I was thankful to see them but sad that I didn't get to spend more time with them around Singapore.

After they left,about three days later, my friends Kara and Gavin Jacobs came to visit us. They were here for a week and then they went to Bali.

Of course, I took them around to the tourist spots but didn't rush it because they were here for awhile. Dustin and I took them around and showed them the spots we hang out and of course, introduced them to our friends.

After a week they were heading to Bali, I didn't get to see them off to the airport because the night before they left, I left for HOME :)

It always puts a smile on my face when we have visitors because it's having a reminder of home and it also keeps me entertained while Dustin is working. We are very VERY blessed that we had so many people come and visit us. We have such wonderful friends and are thankful that they took the time and spent the money to come half way around the world just to visit. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts, so much fun