Monday 1 October 2012

Last few weeks...

October 16th 11:55pm, that is the day we leave Singapore to move back home.

When we were gearing up to move here a year ago we had so much to do, I felt overwhelmed at times. This time around, not so much. Dustin and I have to clean up the place, and in a week the international movers are coming but we have so little stuff to ship over (compared to if we would have had furniture) that I am not sweating the small stuff. Yes, we have to get the electric and stuff turned off but lucky for us, the company NCompass is helping us with all of it. Our last night in our apartment is the 14th. We will be cleaning it up and getting ready to turn it over. Because this is before we leave we had to get a hotel. We looked at some and realized that we will never get a chance to stay at Marina Bay Sands ever again so we figured we'd give it a go. I am very excited about it, I get to finally see the pool (there is the observation deck where people pay 20 bucks to go up and see all of Singapore, the pool is blocked to the public, can't wait to see what it's like) and really figure out what the hotel is really like, I am not standing on the outside looking in, wondering what it would be like to stay there for just one night. Again, I am blessed. Trust me, I never take this life for granted.

My last day at RDA is tomorrow (October 3rd) and I am truly sad to leave all of my wonderful friends there. I am also going to miss teaching the kids and seeing them light up every time they see the horses. Thank you all at RDA for doing what you do. Thank you for opening your hearts and letting me in as a fellow volunteer. I loved what I did with you all and learned a lot from you.  I wish you all the best in the next chapters of your lives. I hope we stay in touch via facebook and or email. I will truly miss you all and our Wednesday mornings together.

When I first moved here I was excited to move home, I was counting down the days. The first couple of months went by so slowly. But honestly over those months and the ones after I got the honor of meeting some really awesome people. Like I have said before, this move home is bittersweet. I can't wait to get home to cooler weather, friends and family but honestly, I wish we could take all of our friends here in Singapore and move them home with us. The next couple of weeks we have Will's birthday party to attend (Happy Birthday Buddy) and then our goodbye party. In between we have to say goodbye to friends who can't make it to our last weekend in Singapore get together. I don't look forward to it. This is why the last couple of weekends we have been taking advantage of hanging out with our friends. The more we get to see them before we leave the better.

I am not going to get all sappy right now, that I will save for the last blog about Singapore and for our going away get together. These next two weeks are going to be busy with cleaning, packing and saying goodbye. This may be a reason why when I write about the last day in Singapore it may be when I am home in the states, but we shall see.

Thanks for reading, Until next time!