Friday 28 September 2012

Forumla One Weekend in Singapore!

As most of you know, Dustin and I attended the Formula One races this year here in Singapore. We went all three days. This was our last 'big to do' before we moved home. We moved here last year five days before the F1 races so we were unable to get tickets for obvious reasons. Last year it was so cool just to go to the bar and watch the race while we heard the cars zoom by.

This year we got Zone Four walk about tickets. This means that we didn't get seats but we could walk around and be up next to the fence (if we were there early enough) on the track. This also permitted us to go to all the concerts that were being held over the weekend. The two big head liners were Maroon 5 and Katy Perry. We also got to see Bannanarama and the Proclaimers.We were also lucky that Zone 4 also had a Harry's bar so we were able to get discount drinks while we were hanging out all day.

Dustin and I were really looking forward to the weekend. We were also happy to know that most of our friends were going to be there at some point during the weekend (not everyone got tickets for all three days).

The first night of practice races Dustin and I were able to get great space standing next to the track because not a lot of people were there compared to how many I thought there were going to be there. The cars were fast and loud. That night there wasn't anyone playing that we wanted to see so around 8pm we left and met up with friends at Harry's Boat Quay. We ended the night knowing who we were going to see and hopefully meet up with the next day.

Saturday practice rounds and qualifying rounds for the races. We got there a little early so we walked around to see what was what and ran into some friends along the way. We got some good views of the race and had a great time. Maroon 5 was going on at 11 so we were there awhile. Once the qualifying race was done we all geared up to go to the concert. We were far back on the field but we were with friends, dancing, singing and having a great time. We met up with friends after the concert and continued to have a great time.

Sunday was the final race. We saw some bands and at 8pm we got a good spot to see the start and then planned to go to where a big tv was was playing the race. During the race we ate and stood chatting with friends. It was long but a great race, we even got to see a crash. After the checkered flag was waved fireworks were set off over the bay. It was a great thing to see. Dustin and I have seen fireworks here but it was from our apartment because we have the direct view of Marina Bay.

After the fireworks we ventured over to the field where we saw Katy Perry. She really did put on a great show, and yes she sang Fireworks. Again we were with our friends dancing and singing but we didn't stay out too late because Dustin had to work the next day and I had to go to RDA.

The entire weekend was unforgettable. The cars were so loud we had to wear earplugs. The shows and the atmosphere was wonderful. I am so happy that we decided to get tickets and go. Thank you to all our friends who met up with us and partied, we had a great time.

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