Sunday 6 May 2012

Visitors and a trip to Phuket Thailand!

Our second round of visitors have come and gone. It was so exciting to have Nicole and Sarah come and visit. I haven't seen Nicole in almost four years, I haven't seen Sarah in almost 5 and to be honest, I was nervous at first when I told them they could come stay with us because I haven't seen them in such a long time. But I took a note from past experiences, life is busy and if you really are good friends, you can pick up where you left off. After thinking this, I got super excited to have them here.

The timing was perfect because a couple of weeks before the girls got here, Dustin got notice that he would be leaving for India the day the girls got here so with that, I wouldn't be alone while Dustin was out of the country for work. I met the girls at the airport and we really did pick up where we left off. They talked about their experience in Bangkok and the flight over and I talked about planning a wedding while over here and then started to get into what they wanted to do while they were here.  

I knew that they had already made arrangements to take a city tour and go to the night safari. I took a pass on the city tour because honestly, I don't need to go on one. But I did go on the night safari with them and it was neat. They had the same concept of the zoo as they believed in open spaces and natural barriers. We took the trolly around and there were some parts where the animals could come right up to the trolly, but it was only like deer and harmless animals. I did notice that there were a lot of different types of deer but it was still good.

While the girls where here I took them around the bay, to see the merlion, I took them to Harrys and around boat quay and clark quay. I also took them to one altitude at sunset so they could see the city in a different light. It was such a beautiful view, we saw the sun set on one end and a storm coming the other end, but thankfully we didn't get caught in the storm because for some reason it passed us. I also took them to Chinatown where I learned that it was a lot better than NYC Chinatown. We did some shopping and ate some authentic food as well. The last night they were here we went to our friends apartment for a dinner get together to welcome back our friends who had been in the states. It was so much fun and I am sure they had a good time here in Singapore.

The day they left, Dustin's dad came into town. Lucky for us, he works for the same company Dustin does so he got a free flight over here. His dad has been here before so I was not expected to play tour guide. We went out to dinner, met friends out at Harry's and then to wrap up his dads stay we went to Phuket Thailand. The day we left for the beach, was my 28th birthday and I couldn't have asked for a better present.

When the plane was going in to land, it was beautiful. The water was very blue and it was cool to see random islands sticking out of the water off the mainland. Once we got though customs and such we got to the resort and it took my breath away. We were staying in a 2 room villa and it was amazing. A short walk and we hit one of three pools and then the beach. The beach was so beautiful. The water was rough because of storms coming in and out of the area (it's monsoon season there) so we only went up into our knees. Once we did that, we felt like we were going to get sucked in, the undertow was very strong.

We didn't travel far off of the resort because it was mostly secluded. there was a small shopping center that we went to that was cute and we did get some stuff that was reasonably priced so it all worked out there.  We ate wonderful food and had great drinks and just relaxed by the pools and caught some rays when we could. The weekend went by fast but I am thankful that we got to go. The taste of this island makes me want to go back with Dustin and friends sometime soon!

Once we got back we just hung out with Dustin's dad until he had to leave. I was so happy to have him here because it truly did feel like home with him here. I was sad to see him leave but know we will see him soon when we come home for a visit. It also reminded me that we only had weeks left until our next visitors and adventures.

Tomorrow we leave for Vietnam for three nights/four days and when we come back to Singapore, we will have four days till our neighbors Jason, Rob and our friend Matt come for their visit and it is going to be a blast and possibly a two blog story!

Hope my readers are doing well! Will post about Vietnam when we get back, promise!

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