Sunday 22 April 2012

Movie Dates

Dustin and I really enjoy going on movie dates. There are some obvious differences between the movies in the states and here in Singapore. Some good and some annoying.

 Back in the sates we would get dinner and then see a movie (or the other way around depending on the movie times). If we are planning ahead we would buy tickets online, from there we would go to a kiosk and pick them up, but sometimes we just get our tickets from the person in the booth if we are not planning a head.  If we don't get dinner and just go to an afternoon movie of course we hit up the snacks, popcorn and drinks of course. In the states, when the movie is getting ready to start there is a reminder to everyone to not talk during the movie and to silence your cellphones.

Dustin and I have been going to movies here, it's become our thing. We love movies and go usually twice a month. Here most movies that have just come out are about six weeks after they come out in the states. I can't tell you what the first movie we saw over here but I can tell you that when we walked up to the ticket booth to get tickets I was excited. The reason is because when we told them what movie the person turned the screen around and asked what seats we would like. Yes, we got to pick our seats! That was just an amazing option to have.

Once going though the first movie, we found that we can also buy tickets online here. The coolest thing out of all is that after you pick your seats and buy the tickets they can either send an email to you that you take up to the ticket booth line that is spacific for online bought tickets or you can have it sent via text to your cellphone. At first I thought that we would have to take it up to the ticket booth but no, they have a scanner in front of the different halls. All you have to do is bring up the text on your phone and put your phone on the scanner and the tickets print out, so no waiting in line!

The think that I have noticed since being here is that the theaters don't have a reminder to be quiet during the movie or to silence cellphones. I found it a little odd but thought nothing of it. During the previews, everyone mummers something and it's usually along the lines of wanting to see the movie when it comes out. I honestly was not bothered by the talking during this time. The think that is the MOST annoying is talking/kids crying/cell phone rings during the movie that you paid to watch. I don't know if it feels the same to you but to me, it's just rude.

I have found that there is a reason why there isn't a reminder before the movie starts, because it's just not a thing they care about here. It seems like everyone is talking, and it's not whispering! It's the most annoying thing because they can be loud, trying to talk over the movie. Honestly if you wanted to talk like that wait till the movie comes out on dvd and rent/buy it and watch it at your house where you can talk all you freaking want. Cellphones have gone off as well while we are watching a movie and it does not vibrate it rings, and does the person go out of the theater to answer it, NO they answer it right there! It's so rude because they are disrupting the movie and being distracting.

I don't know about you all but I get upset when people are talking in the movie are talking on their cellphones. It's just a known no-no because you don't want to disrupt others or frankly miss what is going on in the movie. There has been points where I feel the urge to shush people but I am not sure if it's okay. I have done it once but they ignored me.

So all in all the movie experience has it's pros and cons. I really do hope that the US theaters take a note from Singapore and get the technology for the online ticket scanners via text message and picking seats.

Thanks for reading. I should be putting up a blog about our current visitors tomorrow or so! Take care all!

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