Monday 26 March 2012

"A Man's Best Friend"

"A Man's Best Friend", when you see this quote or hear it from someone you automatically thing Dog(s). Now not everyone is a dog person or owns a dog but they know what it is like to own a pet. I don't know about you all but our dog Bandit has become our son over the past two and a half years we've had him.

What really inspired me to write about this was our friends Dave and Colleen just lost their German Shepard Sieben whom they have had (Dave mostly) since he was a puppy. Siebes was such a great dog, well behaved and just a big bear of love! Bandit and Siebs went on many a camping trips and chased many tennis balls together with Siebs brother Jack. These three dogs together was great and entertaining! I am truly sad knowing that when we get home Siebs will no longer be there but know he is in a better place now.

Dave said it best, Don't take any time for granted with your best friends and loved ones. He is so spot on with this comment. This is comment is not only for humans but for our pets as well. Pets have a special place in our hearts. Honestly if you are a pet owner you know what I am talking about. Our pets listen to anything we have to say. I know I found myself talking to Bandit when it's just him and me at home (Now I talk to myself here in Singapore and I think Dustin is thinking I am crazy and that I was covering it up by saying I was talking to the dog when I was really talking to myself lol). Our pets are there for us when we need to cry and don't have a human to hold us, they are there to sit in our laps or lay a head on our legs and show that they love us. It is said that our pets are very sensitive and know when a person is depressed, sad, happy or about to (to some) have an epileptic episode.

Pets are loyal. They do something bad, you yell at them and then ten minutes later they are loving you again. When we first got Bandit he was really scared and sad because to him we ripped him out of his home that he had known his whole life and brought him to our house that does not have any other pets. Once he warmed up to us, he has never left our side. He has eaten stuff he should not eat and had accidents in the house (not his fault, Dustin was sleeping and I was late getting off work) he's been a typical dog and has won our hearts over.

You all know being away from home has been hard for us in different areas. The absolute HARDEST thing we have had to deal with is not having our Bandit with us. If you all have been keeping up with the blogs you know that Bandit got really sick and had to have surgery. We were so thankful that Dustin's sister Emily, her roommate Krystal, her boyfriend Justin and our neighbors Jason and Rob were there to help care for him. Knowing that he could have not survived made me miss him even more. Luckily he survived and healed well, but if we would have lost him while we were away, I don't think I would have forgiven myself about being away.

When we heard the loss of Mr.Siebes we took it hard and really truly miss Bandit and can't wait to get home and see him. My fear is that he has forgotten us, but I am staying positive that he has not because when we skype with Emily we ask to see him or she calls him over, we say hello to him and he doesn't make the connection but just seeing him eases our feelings. I have never taken our boy for granted and never will. I can't wait to play ball with him and take him on long walks when we get back.

My heart hurts for our friends who lost their best friend, their son, their Siebes. Nothing will ever replace him and no one will ever forget this wonderful dog. If Dustin and I were home we would be right there with our friends helping them heal the gaping hole in their heart. We know that if the roles were reversed, they'd be there for us. I know they will heal but they will never fully get over the loss of their pup. Dave and Colleen, stay strong and know he will always be missed. It is really tough right now, I am sure but soon the wounds will heal (never completely) and with each passing day you will remember him without being so bummed out compared to right now. We love you guys very much and can't wait to be home with you two!

To all of you out there reading this. If you are a pet owner take five minutes to love on your animals. They love you unconditionally, show them how much you love them. You never know what will happen, live every day to the fullest and love unconditionally. Don't get too upset with your animals when they do bad things, just enough so they won't do it again because trust me, you will laugh at the things they do when time has past. I know Dustin and I still laugh at Bandit when he ate an entire pan of jalapeno corn bread that was resting on the counter, he only ate the middle, not the edges! Yes we were upset, but now we look back on it and laugh, and never leave the kitchen unattended when there is food within Bandit's reach (we usually baby gate the kitchen so he can't get in) Laugh off the animals mistakes and enjoy the ride of being a pet owner. I know we have and when the time comes, I will be a mess but know I will have people there to be by my side. (including friends animals). I know I have said it a lot but I do miss my boy and am lucky to come home to such a sweet and wonderful dog. I can't wait to give him LOTS of hugs when I get home. He may even get to sleep on the bed the week before Dustin gets home, just don't tell Dustin I said that ;)

Bandit boy Camping
RIP Siebes, we love you!

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