Thursday 15 March 2012

6 Months already

St. Patrick's day marks our 6 months in Singapore. A lot has gone one in the past six months and I can't believe our adventure here has reached the half way point. It really seems like yesterday that we landed here and started this crazy time.

I look back and realize why (for the most part) the first couple of months were so slow for me. The first couple of weeks were entertaining because I was getting to know the area and learn how to live the city life. But as life slowed back down and we were settling into the life I realized that, in the beginning, I didn't have friends and so I was lonely for the most part because our friends here work during the day and I was not working or volunteering yet. (This by NO means is a pitty party for myself, I am just explaining how I feel/felt because it is about me and adjusting to living here.) Not to mention that the Holidays were approaching and it was the first time I ever spent holidays away from all of my family.

I think that after the holidays was when things started to really speed up around here. We were booking trips and I was really settling into the life around here, making a lot of friends though volunteering and not being shy when our friends (you know who you are) invited me out on nights that Dustin was working, I just accepted that I need to live here like I would live at home and go out with my friends even though Dustin can't make it (That was huge for me too). I have tried and failed at Dragon Boat racing because my shoulders can't take it, but I have made a lot of friends from the team. RDA is also helping with friends and as you all know, I always look forward to Wednesdays because I not only love the kids I work with but the volunteers and our girl catch up time at the polo club after for lunch. I am considering stepping it up to two days a week. I have also started rock climbing again with friends who do that as well and am looking forward to once a week with possibly Rich and Will if the are interested (already climbed with both, looking for a once a week thing)

We are also booked up with visitors from now until we come home for the wedding. We had our first visitor, Jinsoo, in Feb and it was absolutely amazing. I am looking forward to my high school friend Nicole and my college roommate Sara to come in visit in April. Dustin and I are going to Vietnam and we come back two days before Nicole and Sara get here. Dustin's dad is coming to visit us from April 20 to May 2. Now this is no vacation for him, he and Dustin work for the same company and his dad worked out a business trip. I can't wait for him to come visit!

After that in May we are having our Neighbors Rob and Jason come with Jason's friend (now our friend) Matt and we just found out that our friend Todd will be coming out here on business in May as well, such a great surprise and we can't wait for him to come. After them it's my Co-workers the Jen M and Jen F and Jen F's daughter for two weeks, The girls and I are planning on going to bali while they are here so that should be fun. After they leave, a week later my friends the Jacobs (Kara and Gavin) are coming to visit. They will be in Singapore for a week and then they are taking a trip down to Bali. I go home three days before they come back to fly out of Singapore. We are so blessed to have so many people to come out and visit us, it truly is amazing :)

I have a feeling the next six months are going to go by fast (too fast if you ask me now), with visitors, us taking trips in between visitors, our trip home, before we know it October will be here and we will be heading home. I have said it to our friends here, it will definitely be bittersweet to head home. Dustin and I will be excited to continue the life back in the states that we put on hold but we will be missing our Singapore life as well.

Dustin will be coming back to Singapore for work about once a year and I am hoping to save up money every year to make the trip back with him so I can see our wonderful Singapore family. That's just what our friends out here in Singapore have become, family. We have celebrated/will celebrate holidays with them, birthdays with others, house parties, rugby games/celebrations and an engagement (yay Will and Sophie!). With each day that passes I feel so blessed to live the life that we do and to have the opportunity that we have over here.

Thanks so much for reading! Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Wow 6 months already, it nice to hear that you are having a good time and meeting new people. Jason and I can't wait to see you and Dustin. :-)
