Thursday 1 March 2012

Our First Visitor!

A lot of you know that Dustin and I were graced with our first visitor from the US, Dustin's friend Jinsoo. We got an email about a month and a half ago letting us know that he wanted to visit us and of course we said yes. Jinsoo is a guy who has traveled to different places and has the luxury of a great work schedule. He had a layover in Hong Kong so he decided to stay there for four days before he came to visit us.

Of course knowing a person was going to stay with us I went into clean mode. I was so excited I couldn't really hide it. He arrived on a Wednesday and I knew that I wouldn't beat him to the apartment because I had RDA that day, lucky for us Dustin was off of work that day. I had a good bye lunch to attend after my RDA session to say good bye to our RDA mate Kim. She was moving back to the UK with her family and I wanted to thank her for being a wonderful person even though we have only been friends for a short time.

After I left the lunch I got really excited so instead of taking the bus I took a taxi home. Once home I was so excited to see Jinsoo because it was a familiar face in Singapore. We haven't seen him since the beach in Aug. I hurried to the shower and was just excited to go out and show Jinsoo what this City has to offer. The one thing I was appreciative of was that he brought a care package with him, the only thing I asked him to bring was pepto because I have stomach issues with some of the food here. He not only brought that but he brought food that we haven't gotten since we were home. (Yes Sophie, Kathy and Ester, I am going to Tanglen mall this weekend! LOL) I couldn't believe it and was so thankful for the package.

We wanted to show him everything about Singapore. Unfortunately Dustin could not take off work so the days that Dustin was working I tried to play tour guide the best way I knew how. We gave Jinsoo books that we accumulated about Singapore and told him to look though those and see what he wants to visit. We asked what he wanted to eat and he stated, the craziest thing Singapore has to offer. Well Singapore does have some crazy foods, especially at hawker stands so we were up for the challenge.

We took him all over. Him and Dustin walked down Orchard road, we took him to Marina Bay and Marina bay sands sky park (that was the first time we went up to the sky park) and from there we could see all of Singapore, it was beautiful. We walked to a street that was mostly Muslim because he wanted to see a Mosque, he wanted to see if we could hear the call to prayer. Little did we know that we went to the Mosque at the right time, once we got there the call started. It was the first time I heard it in person and was in awe, I thought it was so cool to witness.

I am not going to go day by day with what we did because well that's boring to read. We took him to all the spots, Chinatown, Little India, down town in the Colonial district, Orchard Towers and even the zoo. We wanted him to experience the city how we did (some times).

The food that he ate was interesting. He ordered curry fish head. Yes it is exactly what it sounds like, fish head cooked in curry. We did take away and he didn't get rice so I made some for him. I almost threw up from watching him eat the eye of the fish! It was something I will never try. The next dish I saw him eat was mixed pig organ soup. Yup, he ate a mix of pig organs, from liver to intestine. I can't believe his guts to eat what he did. When him and I went to Chinatown he decided to get frog legs. Now I use to live in Florida when I was younger, so I was familiar with frog legs, I have eaten them before but honestly have no taste for them anymore. He ate pig organ congee, pig brain soup, satay prawn, head and everything! He definitely concord his goal of eating interesting food. He did eat some things that was normal but some times not so much, but when's the next time he is going to be here? I am glad he was eating 'outside of the box'.

We did fun things like wake board, ride bikes on the east coast and him and Dustin did the extreme bungee with Dustin at Clark Quay. He also enjoyed the zoo, I enjoyed the zoo. It was one of the coolest zoos I have ever been too. They believe in natural barriers between you and the animals. The animals were beautiful and we lucked out with the weather. Jinsoo and I went out during the middle of the day and if it is bright and sunny, you are toast if you don't have proper sun protection and water. Thankfully for us it was over cast and we weren't feeling like the sun is pounding on us. But we do know that even though it is over cast we can still get burned by the sun, we are only 50 miles from the equator so I always make sure I have the proper sun protection on.

I am glad that Jinsoo came out here. Yes he did go out on his own on some days and I was kind of thankful for that because I do enjoy my 'me time' which only lasts about an hour or so, then I am ready for some company, call it selfish but I am sure there are some of you out there who enjoy their 'me time' every once in awhile too.

Having Jinsoo here reminded me of home. I don't know what it was but it made me more at ease and made me feel more at home here in Singapore. I do have to say that I have come far since the first month of arriving in Singapore. I think it had to do with the Holidays. But I am enjoying Singapore more and more, and having Jinsoo here really made me realize that. I have made lots of friends here and it makes me realize that it will be bitter sweet when we go home. I will be happy to be home but I will be leaving my Sing family behind. I know that all of us will be keeping in touch and Dustin will be making it back to Singapore for work so I am hoping that we can save up enough money to where I can tag a long with him as well so I can visit our friends.

I am looking forward to our visitors coming up. Trust me there are a lot coming. March is the month where we have a break from visitors. April we are having my high school friend Nicole and college roommate Sarah visiting us for four days (they are visiting Bangkok first) then the day they leave is the day Dustin's dad may be coming to visit us for awhile, yes he will have to work and he's been to Singapore before (D's dad works for the same company D works for) but it will be amazing to have family here. After that in May our neighbors and Matt are coming to visit us for two weeks, My co-workers and friends Jen M, Jen F and Jen F's daughter are coming in June, then Finally my co-worker and friend Kara J and her husband are coming in July, they leave for Bali two days before I leave for home. So needless to say, we are going to be busy and I can't wait to see everyone and introduce them the Singapore I have come to know and love :)

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!

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