Tuesday 27 December 2011

Christmas Time in the City

Christmas time or the Holidays (whatever religion you are) is a time for friends and family to get together and share a nice big dinner, exchange presents and enjoy eachother's company. Some go to more than one celebration, especially with divorced parents. Dustin and I would make our rounds from Christmas eve to possibly the day after. We probably had about four different places to go not including having my Mom over for Christmas.

This year was the first year that we had NO plans. None what so ever, minus the Grinches Christmas celebration at Harry's but that was on the 23rd. Now this celebration was just a whole bunch of Rugby Club members getting together, wearing the same t-shirt with Roadhouse quotes on it, and getting drunk. Basically kicking off the holidays with good fun.

During this time we were with our good friends of course, the ones who weren't going home for the holiday and we got invited by our American friends Clint and Meghan to go out to Outback for a Christmas eve dinner. We said yes and were excited to go, I couldn't tell you the last time I was at an Outback.

We all met on Christmas eve for dinner. The wait was unreal, no one made a reservation because last year it wasn't as busy. Our friend's flat mate (roommate) came a long as well, his first Outback experience and we were excited for him to experience the blooming Onion or as they call it here, the Typhoon onion. We got some apps (three different ones) and our main meals, some beers and had great conversation and great food. It was a Christmas Eve I will always remember. Both full and happy we came back to our apartment and watched a Christmas movie and a half (a half because facetime with our neighbor happened, and it's always fun to hear from him - Love you Jason) with some beer/wine and relaxed.

Christmas day consisted of us being lazy for a good bit. We had no plans to do anything with anyone. Dustin played COD and I read my book. We decided we wanted to go out to dinner, there was a new place across the street that we wanted to try but unfortunately when we got there it was closed. We did find a place and had great food. I tried Beef Cheek, yes the cheek of a cow. It wasn't that bad actually, especially mixed with pasta. Dustin had cab meat in pasta.

We cleared out and decided to go to Orchard Road. This road is like the Rodeo drive of Singapore. It's decorated with lights and fancy shops, just beautiful. On Christmas day they shut down most of the road and have what is like a float in the middle of the street, not going anywhere. There were TONS of people on this road. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was so hard just to get to where we were going which only took 10 minutes, now took 30. It was cool to see the lights but I was getting claustrophobic! After that dramatic walk we went to the bar at Orchard towers and had some drinks. After a couple of drinks we decided to head back to the apartment, but didn't want to go though the crowded street so we took a taxi.

Once we got back we realized it was Christmas morning in the states so we decided to facetime/skype/call our friends and family. This whole time it didn't feel like Christmas until we did call our family. I facetimed with my sister, brother in law and nieces. They were so adorable and it made me miss home so much, but that's okay. We talked to my parents, his family and we made some phone calls as well. We finished our movies and went to bed. and that was it, Christmas was over.

No traveling, no gifts to exchange, just being together and calling family. There was no stress to get gifts, the right gift, no stress about wrapping it perfectly, it was stress free and it was the most relaxing Christmas I have ever had. We didn't even have to clean up after cooking, because we didn't even cook.

I would write about new years eve, but Dustin is working until 10 so we are going to stay home and watch the fireworks from our apartment, nothing big.

I hope that everyone back at home, that your Christmas was merry and bright. We did miss you all and did miss our regular outings to see family and friends. We hope you have a wonderful and SAFE new year!

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