Monday 14 November 2011

Chinese and Japanese Gardens

Now I heard that this was a beautiful place to go so I decided to hop on the MRT and take it to the Chinese gardens stop. Again, not sure where I was going to go once I got to the station but I was armed with my map so I felt I would be okay. After the 30 minute ride (which to most Singaporeans is a far ride and no one ever does that unless they have to) I got off and saw that there was an exit that showed the way to the gardens. It was a beautiful, hot day. Not a cloud in the sky and this is when I wanted clouds because the Gardens hardly had any shade/cover from the sun. I went on and walked around.

I don’t know what I was expecting but I saw observation towers and different trees and statues. Now when you hear the word garden you think, statues, trees, flowers, fountains. I only saw trees, some had flowers on them but not many and statues. It was by a lake and at that time there were boat races going on. So I was walking and in the Chinese part of the gardens I saw statues that dealt with the different animals that represented the years. That was interesting but I was getting hot and needed to find a place with some shade.

I walked around and found a turtle museum. I had to pay five dollars but it went to the care of the turtles so I didn’t mind. When I walked in I was a bit worried, the big ones were in just large tanks, with nothing but a concert floor and some water. It was cool to see the different turtles and then I went in to a room with a lot of tanks. All filled with a lot of different turtles. Once I have never seen before. The freakiest turtle I saw in there was the snake head turtle. Oh my gosh, when it moved its head it looked like a snake (hence the name) it was just weird. Anyways, I left and started heading my way out of the gardens. As I was heading out I went to one of the towers and took pictures of the view at the top. It was very beautiful but vertigo gotten the best of me and I headed back down and back to the MRT station. I am happy I went to the gardens but I really wouldn’t recommend going alone. It was beautiful and I would go back with Dustin if he wanted to go there and possibly bring a picnic lunch and have it down by the water but that’s all I would do.

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