Tuesday 15 November 2011

What Singapore does Not have..

Surprisingly we have discovered that Singapore doesn’t have a lot of things. Mostly our favorite food items, but some other things too. When we got here, we found out that the phone Dustin had for work, the Samsung Galaxy S was not even heard of around here, they had the Galaxy S2 before they had it in the States. We thought that we would be able to get a phone case for it but the first store we went to looked at the phone and laughed because they don’t have that phone here in Singapore

(This gets a little tmi) They also don’t put exhaust fans in the bathrooms here. That is one thing I will never understand. The bathrooms have no air conditioning in it (there is air conditioning in the apartment, just not central air its sophisticated wall mount units, I will post a picture) so with the added steam coming from the hot shower and no air circulation it’s miserable! The master bathroom has windows in the shower so I open the window a crack (the window is frosted so no one can see in) and I leave the bathroom door open just a crack to make sure it doesn’t get too hot and steamy in there but our other bathroom has no ventilation what so ever so, no window no nothing. I haven’t showered in there but I can imagine when we have our guests over from the states it will be interesting. Plus when someone has to use the bathroom, in the states no matter what you’re doing in there, people usually turn the exhaust fan on, and most use it when they are in dispose so people can’t hear your business. With no exhaust fan there is no privacy, honestly you hear everything that goes on in a bathroom and it sometimes is just too personal. (I told you I was going to be honest about everything!)

There are a lot of food items that they do not have here. They don’t have goya Mexican seasoning.We usually put this with our rice to give it a little Mexican flair but no dice the only Mexican related food they have here is salsa, taco dinner kit (that is like 15 sing dollars), Taco sauce and mission brand tortilla wraps that are also expensive (Brand Name). They don’t even have an international food section and if they do I passed it. Worchestire sauce is something you would think most countries have especially because they have Food Network Asia and they have recipes that all for it. But no, the closest thing we found was worchestire steak sauce, which is totally different; you definitely can’t cook with it. They also don’t have one of the best and cheapest meals you can find, Mac and Cheese. They have macaroni pasta but they don’t have mac and cheese, they don’t even have velveeta cheese so you can make your own and I am not about to buy good cheese here and pay double what I would pay back in the states for good cheese just to satisfy my craving.

They also don’t have turkey here on a regular basis. We just saw an ad for one at the grocery store recently and they want around 50 sing dollars for a small bird and I think they are only doing this for the upcoming holidays in December. Dustin is working on Thanksgiving, and I know that it’s an American holiday but I’d still like to eat turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and green bean casserole on that day for myself but I will have to nix the turkey because it’s just going to be me, I could deal with a turkey sandwich but they don’t have turkey lunchmeat. They don’t have the crunchy onions you put on the green bean casserole and possibly gravy. You better believe we are going all out next year!

One last and maybe one of the most important things they don’t have here are the flushable wipes. If you have not used the Cottenel wipes in the bathroom, you are seriously missing out on being fresh, and they are amazing. They don’t have them here and I hate that! Okay that’s enough complaining about Singapore and what they don’t have.

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