Saturday 19 November 2011


After being here for two months we have ralized that television is NOT what we thought it was going to be. Yes, most of the channels are in English and we are greatful for that, otherwise we would have to learn a new language and with this being a meltingpot, not sure which one we would have to learn.

Anyways back at home we all are use to current television shows, including E news. Here the do have E news Asia but are lacking on what is going on with the celebs out in the US. I hate to admit it but it is a guilty pleasure of mine, knowing what the celebs are up to but just though E news. We have found that the television shows on Singapore television is a little behind. The different channels show different shows that are mostly American based (per our cable package) but the shows are far behind to what we are used to. Some are behind only a season and others two or three seasons. This does exclude the news shows, I do get my CNN fix, that is current.

The channel I mostly watch are the Fox channels, but they are totally different from home. They have Fox Crime, proving to be the top runner for me to watch. This shows all the CSI's, Law in Order and the most West Virginian show or Redneck show, COPS (which puts me more in a negative light being from the 'country') The funny thing and annoying thing is, is that I see one CSI episode and it's on again in two hours. Reruns are the death of television over here. If it's not on in two hours, its on the very next day at the same time.

It is nice in the fact that we have discovered the show Dexter. We don't get the channel that it is on in the US so we get to catch up on it. But that's about the only nice thing. I will say that I am thankful that Dustin purchesed the Slingbox for our television at home. At first it didn't work on our computers, so we had to resort to our iphones. Yes I watched the first skins game on my iphone and I am proud of it. We watched a lot on our little iphones, annoying yes but we got our fill of our regular shows that we are use to.

Yes, I know what you're thinking, Your living in Singapore, why on earth are you watching TV? Well I am living, not visiting I don't want to see all of Singapore in two months, I have a year and we will take advantage of it. Also, we still have to do laundry, cook food, clean the apartment, all the domestic things we do at home. Also, who doesn't like a lazy day every once and awhile?
The other advantage for the reruns and behind the time episodes is that there are hardly any commercials, maybe two breaks in a half hour, which is something I am not use to!

We finally had the problem fixed to where we can now watch episodes from our slingbox on our laptops, apparently there was an error and the only thing that could reach our slingbox was our iphones at first, now it's all better. With that said dustin got a cord that goes from the computer to the tv so we are all set now. Sometimes you will see on facebook that it does not work. It's all about Internet connection, speed all that tech. crap that I don't understand so we will have to reset or wait a day and it works. The only thing that has yet to work, are my American football games, yes for some reason it won't work when I want to watch my skins play, no matter how poorly they are doing, I am a true fan and want to see them play but alas so far I have only watched one game since we were here and maybe it's for the best considering the skins current status...

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