Tuesday 29 November 2011

Dragon Boat Racing: Experiance and Spectating

Before Dustin and I got here we got information on a sport that I could try out, gets me out of the house and I can make some friends. Paddling here is a big sport. I looked it up on the website, and it didn't look that bad, kind of fun so I went to a practice awhile back when we first got here.

The team is Gaelic Dragons and they are paddling team that boats under the Irish flag. When I got to the boating house I was excited but didn't know what to expect. I knew it wasn't anything like rowing just by the pictures. I figured I could paddle because well I have paddled in a canoe, but not like this.

I got into my gear, stretched with the team and walked down to put the boats in the river. I was told that they were getting for the big race (Singapore River Regatta that we saw this past Sunday) so the practice was going to be hard. I had started to hit the gym I figured I would be okay and could keep up. BOY was I wrong!

We all get into the boat and for the new ones told how to paddle. We have to twist to the side (facing the inside of the boat) and have our arms straight, then pull the paddle with out bending your arm until you were lifting it out of the water. You had to use more than just your arms, you had to use your core. I was paddling lefty to see if I could do it but I was wrong. Half way though paddling to Marina Bay (from Kallang, look at it on a map its kind of far) I was tired and went to go down for another stroke when I had a ripping pain in my left shoulder. I can't, till this day, tell you what it was but I could not paddle with out almost bursting into tears. Luckily a sweet girl named Beth switched sides with me and I was a lot more comfortable.

I will say that the people on that boat were wonderful. They told me to stop paddling for a bit so I can rest up my shoulder. But I will tell you I felt like a coward so I sucked it up and said I was fine, and I was it didn't hurt to paddle on that side as much as the left side. We got back to the drop point and unloaded. After we got the boat back we had some 100 plus (like carbonated Gatorade) and then some beers afterward on the river.

I will say this, I had a lot of fun. (Minus my shoulder) But I felt bad because my paddling skills SUCKED. Like super sucked. I wouldn't have been so negative except the fact that the team was getting ready for a big race and I didn't want to bring the team down with me being in the boat, wouldn't be a very productive practice. So I decided to wait until there was a break in between races so I could get the proper coaching. Luckily after I talked to my friend Jax who is a captain on the team, I found out that it's the end of the season and next week they will be going back to basics, a perfect time for a beginner to come in.

I will also say that it takes a lot of endurance to paddle a boat. It takes a lot of strength as well. The next couple of days after that one practice I was so sore I could barley walk. I was surprised because I had been hitting the gym, I should have been fine. But I was wrong.

So the River Regatta was this past weekend. The team did great. They came in second in the final heat. I had so much fun. Dustin and I sat with our friends at the Penny Black (they sponsor the Garlic's and it's right next door to Harrys at Boat Quay) and I said hi to the team, had some beers and had a great time. I was amazed at the amount of teams there were at this event. It had gone on all weekend but Dustin and I only went on Sunday (the last day). We did get to see a boat flip, I felt bad for that team because it was right before the finish line, Plus that river is NASTY.

It was definitely a great experience to see the team compete and made me want to try this paddling thing again. I will be going next Saturday to try once more and see how I do, I have met a lot of good people on that team already and know I will have fun.

Stay tuned for updates, I will am sure it will be all about being sore! Also I don't have many pictures on my computer, they are on Dustin's and he has yet to post them, once he does I will post the pictures on here :)

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