Monday 14 November 2011

Okay, Asia it is! What now..

So, you can understand why going to the beach with our dear friends was such a relief. We could have one week where we weren’t stressing about wedding stuff or when we were going to move to Singapore, we could just relax and soak it all in and that’s exactly what we did. Of course the week went by way too fast and we had to say good bye to everyone and realized that it would probably be the last time we saw them until our wedding day. It was bitter sweet because we knew that we were that much closer to going on our adventure but we had to realize that it would be awhile till we saw our good friends.

Once we got back home we knew we had a lot to do. We had his youngest sister lined up to take over the house and our dog, thank goodness because we wouldn’t be comfortable having someone we don’t know living in our house for a year. We had to move our office from up stairs to the downstairs incase his sister wanted to have a roommate to help with bills and care for our dog Bandit. We also had to pack, not only clothing for a whole year but kitchen stuff, bed linens, and towels. Stuff to make an apartment home. We knew at the time that the company was providing an apartment for us, we lucked out and another person from the company was getting relocated so we were going to swoop in and take the apartment the company was stuck paying and it was fully furnished so we didn’t have to send furniture. About the time after we got back from the beach, say the second week in August we found out when we were leaving for Singapore, and it was going to be in the beginning of September so we had about a month to get everything together.

I was worried about what I was going to do as far as a job goes out in Singapore. I wasn’t really sure if I could work out there because I was on what was called a dependent pass, not an employment pass so I was not sure what the legal issues were. We weren’t too worried about it right then because we knew we would figure it out when we got there. A couple of weeks after we knew when we were leaving we decided to have one last party. The turnout was great; friends and family were all there to say their goodbyes and best wishes. It truly was a great party. The next morning we woke up abruptly because Dustin got an email saying the international movers were going to be there in an hour.

Now we knew they were coming that day, just not when. Of course you can imagine that we were a in a bit of a fog from the celebration the night before. Once we splashed some water on our faces and brushed our teeth we got to it. We put everything we were bringing to Singapore into the bar room to make it easier. As the movers were going in and out and packing us up Dustin got an email explaining that the apartment we were going to get was no longer available due to the fact that the people were not moving anymore. The first words that came to mind were AWESOME. The movers were just finishing up and we had already signed up for the smaller moving containers due to us moving without furniture. So we were kind of screwed in a way because we were limited to looking at apartments in Singapore that were furnished and we didn’t know what to expect.

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